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Responding to Radiation Emergencies


We use radioactive materials for medical diagnoses and treatments, defense activities, electric power generation, and industrial processes. There are some risks, however, when using radioactive materials for these activities .Careful planning and design help minimize these risks, but even the best preparation is not enough to prevent accidents completely. In addition to preparing for accidents, we must also be prepared to respond to an act of terrorism involving radioactive material.

When an emergency happens, such as the 1979 accident at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania, qualified individuals need to respond quickly to minimize the consequences of the incident. In these situations, the public should listen to the emergency responders to avoid unnecessary radiation exposure. Their primary concern is the health and safety of the public.


Listen to the advice of local officials and emergency responders. Their primary concern is your health and safety.

From the location to the type of radiation, every emergency response is going to be different. Apart from individuals in the immediate vicinity of the emergency, the most significant concern will be inhalation of radioactive material carried by winds. Emergency response teams use their expertise and state-of-the-art technology to assess each situation accurately and act quickly to limit potential hazards.

Who is protecting you

A large number of organizations could be involved in responding to a nuclear or radiological emergency. On the Federal level, the role of each of the agencies and organizations is defined in the National Response Plan’s Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex. Some of the more prominent agencies with responsibilities under the Nuc/Rad Annex are:

U.S. Department of Homeland Security(DHS)

In the event of a terrorist attack, natural disaster or other large-scale emergency, the Department of Homeland Security has primary responsibility for ensuring that emergency response professionals are prepared. DHS coordinates the comprehensive federal response to any large-scale crisis and mounts a swift recovery effort. Additionally, DHS educates citizens to prepare themselves, their families and their homes for major emergencies.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)

In coordination with DHS, EPA plans for and responds to radiological emergencies. EPA works with other federal agencies and state responders to contain, monitor, and control radiological conditions. As part of this effort, EPA developed Protective Action Guides (PAGs) to help state and local authorities make the best radiation protection decisions during emergencies.

U.S. Department of Energy(DOE)

The Office of Emergency Operations administers the DOE and the National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) response to emergencies at DOE and NNSA facilities and field sites. DOE also provides technical experts who help evaluate the threat posed by a nuclear or radiological emergency within the United States and abroad.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC)

NRC is responsible for ensuring that each nuclear power plant in the United States has a plan for responding to emergencies at the plant.

State and Local Responders

The PAGs developed by EPA place the primary responsibility for initial emergency protective actions upon the state and local governments. When an emergency occurs, first responders use these PAGs to choose a response action (e.g., evacuating a town that may be affected by the radiation).

What you can do to protect yourself

Be Informed

Inform yourself of protective actions before a radiation emergency ever occurs. If an incident occurs, listen to the advice of your local government officials and emergency responders. Then take the recommended actions. Their primary concern is for your health and safety.

Three basic ways to protect yourself against unnecessary exposure are:

Time: Limit the time you spend around the radiation source, your exposure — and the chance of damage to your body — will be much lower.

Distance: Increase your distance from the source, your exposure — and the chance of damage to your body — will be much lower.

Shielding: Increasing the shielding between yourself and a radiation source (with protective barriers such as walls and buildings) will decrease your exposure. Depending on the type of radioactivity (alpha particles, beta particles, or gamma rays), effective shielding could be as thin as a piece of paper (for alpha radiation) or as thick as a lead-lined wall (for gamma radiation).


Protective Action Guides (EPA’s Radiation Protection Program: Emergency Response)

21 February 2006 - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

This page provides information on EPA’s Protective Action Guides (PAGs), which help state and local authorities make radiation protection decisions during emergencies.

Radiological Emergency Response

21 February 2006 - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

This site is the gateway to EPA’s radiological emergency response information.

Setting Radiation Protection Standards

21 February 2006 - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

This page describes the process that EPA uses to set radiation standards.

Be Informed: Radiation Threat, READY America

21 February 2006 - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

This page provides information on radiation threats, such as “dirty bombs” or radiological dispersal device.

Directory of Agreement State and Non-Agreement State Directors and State Liaison Officers

7 February 2006 -U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

This page provides a list of U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Agreement State contacts.

Emergencies and Disasters: First Responders

U.S. Department of Homeland Security

This page gives information on various groups of America's first responders.

Emergencies and Disasters: Planning and Prevention

U.S. Department of Homeland Security

This page provides links to various federal emergency response sites, from the National Response Plan to information on protecting your family during an emergency.

Emergency Preparedness and Response

7 February 2006 -U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

This site provides links that give an in depth look at CDC’s role in radiological emergency response.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Dirty Bombs

21 March 2005 -U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

This site provides links that give an in depth look at CDC’s role in radiological emergency response.

Fact Sheet on the Incident at Three Mile Island

31 March 2005 -U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

This page has information about the incident at Three Mile Island nuclear power plant incident in Pennsylvania.

Emergency Response

U.S. Department of Energy

This page gives information on how DOE helps protect the public from an incident during the transportation of radioactive material.

State and Tribal Programs Site – State Regulations and Legislation

16 February 2006 - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

This site lists links that tell you about the different states and their regulations and legislation for radiation protection.

State Environmental Protection Division Listing

2005 - Clay.net Environmental Professional

This page lists links to the different state environmental protection divisions.